Speaking Engagements

Understanding Power & Politics

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Who controls the resources?  How are decisions made within your organization?  Are titles and credentials more important than relationships?  Power and Politics is part of our Self-Preservation content, but this topic can easily stand alone.  Understanding the who, what, when, where and how within complex organizations is a must when considering the power and politics and survival skills required to navigate professional land mines and maintaining a positive career trajectory.

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Dealing with Difficult People

Some have said, “if it wasn’t for the people, I’d love my job”. The people are the primary contributors to the complexities (and challenges) of healthcare and academic settings.

A Toxic Environment and Corporate Corrosion

A toxic environment can present itself in many forms. Examples might include bullying behavior, retaliation, cliques, gossip, harassment or attempts to undermine leadership.

Leading Through Change

It’s been said that the only constant is change. However, regardless of how often things change, human nature continues to resist it.

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