Speaking Engagements

Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

In our experience, students don’t often come to the classroom prepared as adult learners.  Younger students were influenced by pedagogical approaches to learning.  Older students have been out of classroom for many years.  To create an environment conducive for active learning at all levels, it must be dynamic.  Similar to engagement, we will teach best practices that exist to create this environment for both faculty and students.

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Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Do you know your team? Do you truly know your team, and how much insight do you have into your own behavior, your leadership style, or your blind spots?

Effective Communication Principles

Clear and effective communication is important to any relationship.

Dealing with Difficult People

Some have said, “if it wasn’t for the people, I’d love my job”. The people are the primary contributors to the complexities (and challenges) of healthcare and academic settings.

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