Speaking Engagements

Leading High Performance Teams

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

High performing teams are engaged, goal-oriented, and well known for excellent performance.  These teams are not siloed and seek opportunities to connect to purpose.  There are numerous factors that influence the success of these teams as well as barriers that can impeded them.  Our team can assess the strengths and opportunities for improved high performance at every level of your organization.

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Everyday Self-Care

Learn techniques that allow for the prevention of burnout.

Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment

In our experience, students don’t often come to the classroom prepared as adult learners.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Do you know your team? Do you truly know your team, and how much insight do you have into your own behavior, your leadership style, or your blind spots?

How can we help you? Let's meet.