Speaking Engagements

Dealing with Difficult People

Dr. Todd Redden with open arms.

Todd Redden

CEO & Executive Coach , IHA Leadership

Some have said, “if it wasn’t for the people, I’d love my job”.  The people are the primary contributors to the complexities (and challenges) of healthcare and academic settings.  They bring the benefits of diversity along with creative minds, varying experiences, ideas and opinions.  When these factors are working together and the stars are aligned, teammates are engaged, leaders are happy, and productivity excels.  However, on a normal day, when something goes sideways, managing difficult employees can be a leader’s greatest challenge.  The 80:20 rule does indeed exist, so let us help you develop the skills and tools necessary to manager up or manage out the challenging employees you beside and/or lead.

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Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment

In our experience, students don’t often come to the classroom prepared as adult learners.

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How can we help you? Let's meet.